An indie focused video game website


Ryza Roads

After the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, the good folk at created the “Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality” in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement. 1,741 items from 1,391 creators were included in this bundle. This column not only serves to highlight those games, projects and other items from these generous creators, but is also a reminder that Black Lives do, and always will, Matter.

While the fight for racial equality and justice was news story #1 for only a few weeks, the movement did not stop when the coverage moved away. Protests march on, human rights violation occur daily, and justice continues to not be served. We must never stop fighting for what is right.

If you have the means and/or time, you can find ways to help at

Ryza Roads - $5

Ryza Roads is some jank ass fun. I wouldn’t say you should come to this game with expectations of Forza Horizon style racing, handling and car tuning - far, far from it - but there’s a simple joy to bumbling around an island in barely controllable vehicles. Particularly when there’s no real penalty for, let’s say, speeding so fast down a hill that your car does a full 720 spin double backflip. Not that I’d know what that’s like.

It’s easy to jump into a car in Ryza Roads and just toot around it’s stylized world. The game gives you some progression systems to give those goal orientated players something to shoot for: races dotted around the island net you cash, which can be spent on better land, sea and air vehicles.

I’ll admit, the plane in particular had me stumped. I can see with a bit of practice though, a pro could be made of its wacky control schemes. Thankfully, if you ever end up stuck, you can simply warp back to the garage, summon your ride back and take off once more.

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There’s certainly some tantalizing secrets dotted around the island. I still haven’t made it onto the barge out to sea, and there’s hints of hidden cheats to find about the place. 

Learning to control - well, barely manage, at least - the vehicles in this game does take a bit of focus, but that’s half the fun. Ryza Roads cute little art style and customization feels like a good starting point for a more fleshed out project, while offering a bit of chaotic driving and exploration along the way.

Ryza Roads is available on