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Throw Cubes into Brick Towers To Collapse Them

After the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, the good folk at created the “Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality” in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement. 1,741 items from 1,391 creators were included in this bundle. This column not only serves to highlight those games, projects and other items from these generous creators, but is also a reminder that Black Lives do, and always will, Matter.

While the fight for racial equality and justice was news story #1 for only a few weeks, the movement did not stop when the coverage moved away. Protests march on, human rights violation occur daily, and justice continues to not be served. We must never stop fighting for what is right.

If you have the means and/or time, you can find ways to help at

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Throw Cubes into Brick Towers To Collapse Them - €2

Less a game game with goals and more of a physics simulation, TCiBTTCT is still quite a sight to behold.

You know when new console hardware or graphics cards are on the verge of release, and the simulations companies use to show off their capabilities make you mind run amok? Yeah that’s what this feels like. Except you’re the director of this symphony of destruction.

Despite being the most simple thing you can imagine, throwing cubes into brick towers is immensely satisfying every single time you do it. Here you play as the engineering God, holding the ability to construct the towers however you see fit with a few sliders the click of a button. Simply find the best vantage point, and… click.

Then, when throwing simple cubes might seem to have lost it’s luster, well… it’s time to move on to dynamite. 

Throw Cubes into Brick Towers To Collapse Them isn’t going to give you 100 hours of tightly tuned gameplay and pre-rendered cutscenes, but the time spent fiddling around and watching everything come crashing down, for the right kind of person, is more than worth the small asking price.

Throw Cubes into Brick Towers To Collapse Them is available on