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Shamelog #040 - Just a Little Faster Than Light

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve found it increasingly harder to start something new. Fallout 4, Suikoden 2, Blue Reflection, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Stellaris - all these games I’ve played for an hour or two, then bounced. I managed ok with The Magic Circle purely because it was a couple hour long game. I’ll be honest - this project is starting to feel a little more like work instead of fun with each game I tick off the list… and that sucks.

So for now I’ve decided to take a proper break. Sometimes you need to take a step back for a while, and that’s what I’ve done. I didn’t play a single thing all week, then ended up falling back to one of my favourite single sitting games for a few playthroughs - my first ever rogue like, FTL.

For the few times over the past couple of years, FTL has been a mainstay for chilling out between games. I purchased an iPad Pro when they were released in 2015, and needed a game to showcase that beautiful screen - FTL was it. The perfect blend of strategy, nail biting skirmishes and micro choices, FTL plays perfectly on the touchscreen. It has me secretly hoping the next game by Subset Games, Into The Breach, makes that jump to touch sooner rather than later.

Well that’s me - what’s your favourite fall back game for those times when you just can’t get into anything else?

Games Left to Play: 105
Currently Playing: FTL
Budget Remaining for 2018: $300