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The Looker Is The Most Elaborate Shitpost You'll Ever Play

The Witness is praised by many as a brilliant puzzle game, with many layers of intricacy and introspection. The Looker emulates it’s inspiration in many ways, from the graphical style to the first person puzzles to the audio logs. It’s free, it takes one to two hours to finish, and it’s the most elaborate shitpost I’ve ever had the honour of witnessing.

When The Witness first released, I was really into it. (Sidebar: boy, reading through that… I sure was a different person then. A lot sure has happened in the past 6 years.) Having not really played it since 2016, I’m happy to leave my thoughts of it at “The puzzles are excellent, the design is fantastic, the philosophy is neat but I can see why some people see it as wanky”. Bradley Lovell, creator of The Looker, clearly has… thoughts on the game too, and has expressed them in a brilliant and succinct game that "treats your time as... reasonably valuable”.

The first two tags for the game on Steam at time of writing are “Parody” and “Comedy” before even mentioning “Puzzle”. Take that as you will.

With that, I’ll leave you with a few choice quotes from a few Steam reviews on the game.

The Mailman - “Game of the year, best post-credits since endgame"

it’s shoe - “If you thought The Witness was pretty but want to shove Jonathan Blow into a locker, try The Looker. It’s free and worth every penny."

Flutterz - If you like The Witness, you’ll like The Looker. If you hated The Witness, you’ll love The Looker."

You can play The Looker on Steam here.